In Damascus University this morning, the first batch of the professional fellowship programme in planning quality management was graduated.
Within the ongoing participatory project between the University of Damascus - Higher Institute of Regional Planning and the Center for Global Management in cooperation with TUV Austria, which is the first programme in Syria on planning systems and international ISO specifications with real international credits.
Diversity of participants from various engineering, medical and economic sectors.
The certificates were delivered in Hall IV at the Higher Institute of Regional Planning's headquarters in the presence of:
Professor Dr. Redda Depp Dean of the Faculty of Architecture - Program Director
Professor Ghada Bilal Dean of the Higher Institute of Regional Planning
Dr. Abdullah Hashim Director General of the Global Management Center for Rehabilitation and Training represented by TUV. Austria in Syria
and a number of professors and doctors at the university.
Where the Institute's Deanship is coordinated towards the opening of the second instalment, it is important and has positive implications for the realities of the work.
Thanks and appreciation to the trained gentlemen